Graeme Frost Nipping at Your Conscience

If only they had been more clearly destitute, perhaps homeless, on welfare, food stamps, perhaps if the father, instead of working for a living, was in prison, the mother a drug addict, perhaps then their children might have deserved the largess of the people's tax dollars. Honestly, the intellectual dishonesty and logical inconsistency of the arguments provided by the American political Right gives me a headache.
Do everything they demand, live a particular kind of life in a particular kind of way, according to the gospel of Coulter and Goldberg and if you come up wanting, if your life spins suddenly out of control, if your children unpredictably have desperate needs you simply cannot provide, tough. You must spend all of your life's accumulated assets, your home, your car, the very things you will need even more when the crisis passes. If, however, you are all the things these very so-called "conservatives" rail against, if you live your life in a manner of which they not only do not approve, but feel strongly you should be subject to legal and social sanctions due to your lifestyle, well then, please, feel free to accept the benefits of a social safety net provided by government and taxpayers.
How does this make sense? What are they serving, what goals do they seek, except to be against anything that Bush is against, anything that their most hated natural enemy, "Liberals", might be in favor of?
Here's the real question. And I do not pose it to them, for in their case I already know the answer. It's the source of that queasy feeling in my stomach. But it's critically important that the rest of us see this, and similar questions from capital punishment to universal health care, framed in these terms.
The question is about us. America, and the citizenry that not just inhabits, but constitutes and informs the ideas and ideals that ARE America. Who are we? What do we believe? What kind of society do we want to have? And if you believe, as the polling numbers tell us so many do, that America is moving in the wrong direction, if you think that that a cold, uncaring, Randian, corporatist authoritarian theocracy is exactly NOT what America should be aspiring to, if you believe that a majority of our collective money should be used to improve the lives of Americans, to lift up the powerless and protect the vulnerable, instead of being used to create and deploy the machines of death and domination, then you likely have no issue whatsoever with some tax dollars being used to save and then rehabilitate the lives of the Frost children.
Honestly. Read the front page of your newspaper tomorrow, then ask yourself "How did we get here?" How did we run so far off the rails? What is this place where killing on an industrial scale is "honorable" and trying to help the least among us is "weakness"? And what does it say about us, that in order to make a political/economic point, a large segment of our society is willing to attack, smear and if possible destroy a family just like theirs?
Ultimately, sadly, it's about fear. Fear of the other, slavishly devoted to an authoritarian government's need for an external enemy to provide the excuse for their abrogation of the Constitution in order that power be concentrated in the hands of the wealthy elite. Fear of Muslims, of Mexicans, of Homeless, of Blacks and Jews and even Graeme Frost, fear that he might be getting something and that in the process you might just be deprived of something. When you can demonize a badly injured child, you can easily convince your ideological fellow travelers that in order for Graeme Frost to "win", you have to lose. Once you give away your soul, you have no good way to navigate back to your humanity.
Wild Bill Yeats saw it coming, quite clearly:
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
It's a long time since we saw the shore, here, but it's time for a mutiny. It's time for us, people, American people, not "liberals" or "conservatives", just people, to stand up and say no more. No more hate. No more unnecessary war. No more squandering our wealth on weapons and the foreign adventures they empower. Let's take care of each other, and be proud when we do...
Well said. It's frightening and sad how hate is consuming our country.
Damn, take a hit off of Menken's pipe? This is nicely done indeed.
I was skimming your post, following a casual intersection of links, and then read "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.", and was overcome.
The sad, unforgiving, and worse -- accurate -- assessment of our nation today.
amazing post. thank you
You write: "If only they had been more clearly destitute, perhaps homeless, on welfare, food stamps, perhaps if the father, instead of working for a living, was in prison, the mother a drug addict, perhaps then their children might have deserved the largess of the people's tax dollars."
No, I think you're missing the amazing circular tautology of their position.
If you have anything at all -- own a house, a halfway decent car -- and are working hard to be something other than a wage-slave...Well, by their standards, you haven't sacrificed enough. You're too well off. And they conveniently forget that just maybe you can't get health insurance at ANY price due to pre-existing conditions.
If you have nothing at all and no assets...if you're unemployed and/or unemployable due to disability... If a "tax credit" is useless to you... Well, then you're just lazy, no good, and deserve no help either.
They phrase their positioning in such a way that no matter what you're doing or how hard you're trying to get by, if you need a hand up, they'd just as soon kick you in the teeth.
Unless it's one of THEM who's in trouble... (Like when Malkin was bleating about not being able to get affordable health insurance in Maryland. Oh, that's SO much different from the Frosts.)
Yeesh... I swear, the hypocrisy is so thick around these people, it's replaced oxygen.
Becca Morn: I couldn't have said it better myself. It's like a contest to see which one of them can be the biggest self-rightous hypocrite of all.
Saw your post over at Drifty's. Need to say that anyone who can title a post like that needs to write more. Like, daily dude.
Consider your ass-kicked. And consider yerself blogrolled.
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